
Make it Big in Cloud City

Cloud City is a modular superstructure that looms over the Suburbs. Built by a small conglomeration of megacorporations in the Far Future world prior to the Havoc Events, Cloud City was intended to be a privately-owned city free from any government jurisdiction. To many, Cloud City is seen as a promised land - the ultimate place to go in order to pitch your idea, make it big, and become the billionaire you were always meant to be. But as many people have been unfortunate enough to find out, plane tickets aren't cheap, and it's hard to find your way off of a floating megastructure of a city once you've run out of the money necessary to live there. As such, beneath the glitz and glamour at its surface, Cloud City has a dark underbelly of unfortunate, underprivileged people trapped on a city they have no means to escape from.