House of HollowHouse of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A perfectly average dark fairy tale book -- it didn't blow me away, but I still enjoyed it enough to finish it. The characters were a little bland for me, but the rich descriptions of settings kept me going. This book was grosser than I was expecting it to be, and I liked that.

What I didn't like:
What I did like:
Again, this wasn't a horrible book; it had a pretty compelling mystery and despite sort-of flat characters, the settings were compelling enough for me to keep reading until the end. I have to wonder if part of my blasé attitude is because I'm starting to age out of YA books. Or it may be because I'm on a sci-fi kick right now and this didn't fit into that at all (my own fault for choosing to read a modern fantasy when my heart is singing for space operas). But whatever the reason, I think if you're interested in this book then you should check it out. It delivers on what it promises: pretty girls with old-school fae powers in a dark fairy tale missing-person mystery. You get exactly what it offers, and I think what it was offering just wasn't for me.

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