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Resources I used to make this website

Because gatekeeping is for suckers

Beginner's Guides for Making a Website

These are the tools I used to build the foundation for my website! They also make up the foundation for all of my coding knowledge; I came into this project without any coding experience at all, and I taught myself everything I know as I went using these resources. Shoutout to W3Schools in particular for being such a comprehensive guide on everything HTML and CSS - I couldn't have done any of this without them.

Absolute beginner's guide to Neocities
A brief article explaining how to get started with your own website on Neocities! How to navigate your dashboard, how to make additional webpages, etc.
A Beginner's Guide to HTML and CSS
Articles introducing the basic syntax and structure for coding in HTML and CSS.
HTML Full Course - Build a Website Tutorial
A YouTube video explaining the basics of coding in HTML - very easy to follow along with, and with great timestamps for referencing back to!
My personal holy grail and go-to reference for coding knowledge, this website is a free online course for multiple different coding languages (I use it primarily for HTML, CSS, and Javascript).

Specialized Tutorials

Articles or other such references to address specific problems I've encountered in making this site!

How to position an image in HTML
A brief article about different terms used to determine an image's position on the screen - very helpful for making your pictures go where you want them to go!